For my contents page, i started with the title. I decided i was going to use the same title as my front cover, but change the words to 'In the contents'. After doing this i started on planning on how i was going to lay out the information of the contents. I looked back at my preliminary task, the college magazine, and remembered how if i has more time i would make the background more interestng. From this, i wanted to make my contents better and much more excting and appealing.
I decided that i wanted to have more than one picture, so i scanned through all my pictures and picked out three that i wanted to include on my contents page, and imported them into Indesign.
I wanted to use some colour in my contents page, but not block colour the whole page (like i did for the college magazine). I decided upon using two colours, one that was red, because of the housestyle of the cover, and a lighter, slightly pink colour to soften out the harshness of the red. I used the red horizontally along the page, and the pink colour vertically up the page. I thought this would be a good place to put the pictures on. When i had put the pictures up the side of the page, onto the column, it looked to harsh, so i then put the pictures onto a white box. I then decided upon rotating the pictures to make it look more appealing. I also added a drop shadow because that made the pictures look better and less 'flat' as it came off the column of colour and onto the white in the top left corners.
I then added in the content of what the magazine would include into the white area underneath the title. I used the same technique as i did on the cover of my magazine and put some of the words in red with a thin balck outline, and chanegd the size of the font. For the page numbers i used a font that made it noticable and slightly slanted. After i had done this, the white background looked bland with having the text on it and it needed something else. I thought if i used thin lines, or dashes inbetween each content page, it would make it more intesting.
In the red box i wrote an editors note because it makes it more professional looking. Also at the top of the pictures, on the pink coloumn, i added the month of issue because i felt the top needed something there. So i added this and attached a drop shadown to it aswell, as it looked out of place because all the picutres in the column have the drop shadow.
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