Friday, 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7

This is a recording of me answering question 7, which is:
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation Question 6

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Double Page Spread

For my double page spread, i wanted to focus on the Isle of Wight festival, so automatically i knew how i was giong to do the title. I used the same layout for it as the cover and the contents, and changed the words. I had 'I.O.W' vertically up the side, and 'festival' diagonally across. I used some colour in the title this time to change it up and make it look different. for the text vertically, i block coloured it in in the peach/pink colour used in the vertical column in the contents page. The 'festival' i made black but the way the font is, it has cracks in it and i made this the peach colour so it looks more interesting.

I had a fair few pictures i wanted to include in my double page spread, so i imported them all in to Indesign, and then thought about where i would place them. I wanted to use the running house-style so i used the red horizontally as in the contents page, and i used the peach/pink colour and created two colums in my double page spread. I had the two columns next to eachother in the middle of the pages, and had two red boxes at the bottom of the pages next to the columns. I placed 4 pictures down each column, and one picture on each of the red boxes. I put the title at the top of the left page, to the left of the column.
I printed out what i had down so far and analysed it. I then decided that i though the layout didnt really work as just cut off where the text would potentailly go. The columns in the middle just made the page look unprofesional and slightly tacky! I then annotated the sheet and made a wrote over it what i could do to change it. I went back to the double page spread on Indesign and started to make these alterations.

I decided upon moving the columns each to the outside edge of the page and by doing this the red horizontal coloured boxes went through the middle of the page at the bottom. This layout meant that the text would have a better flow as it could take up the rest of the middle of the double page spread. I re-placed the relevant pictures and with this started to adjust them. As with the contents page, i added a white box behind each picture to give it a border, and then rotated them slightly. The pictures on the left page, i rotated to the left, and the pictures on the right page i rotated tot he right. The two larger pictures in the red boxes at the bottom of each page, i didnt rotate, but they still have white boxes behind them to give them a border. I then added drop shadows to each picture, the ones on the left page have a shadow to the left, and the pictures on the right page have a shadow to the right.
I moved the title to the right of the column, but so it is still on the left page. I then started to write up the text in the set columns.