Monday, 29 November 2010

Positives and Negatives of the cover page and contents page

I feel that the postitives of the magazine title page and the contents page would be that they both carry out the same housestyle. I also like that on the title page, how the image has been cut around and put onto the gradient blue background goes well.
I do prefer the title page as the contents page is quite blank in the background and if i had more time, i would adjust this and use a gradient or put the image somewhere in the background as a whole. I think the title is quite strong, as in the black back colour,  on both the contents page and the main cover, because i think it is quite harsh against the rest of the colour themes and this is something i would take into consideration next time by either changing the background, the seasonal theme of the background colour or change the background colour of the title. The reason i chose black was because the yellow and pink went well in contrast to it and made it stand out.

Contents Page

For my contents page i used the same theme as the front cover. I used the blue background and the title has the same colours and font styles. The font i used for what would actually be in the magazine is the same as the pink coloured style in the title. Also the colours i used for the actual contents is the same as the title; to carry on the housestyle. I also used another picture of the model in the corner, i cropped this down to size and slotted in the corner to make the page less bland.

Front Cover

I took the a selection of photos and chose this one to use as the background of my front cover. I wanted to make it blank background and to do this, i put the picture into photoshop and used a tool to go around the outside of the model which cut the background out.

I changed the colour of the background to match the season that the magazine would be issued (December). I chose a blue background and made it have a gradient so the top left corner started off white and the bottom right corner blue.

I added in my title and then made several text boxes where i put what the some of the contents of the magazine would be. The colours i used match the title and would mean i have a consistent housestyle. I used blue for the price of the magazine to match the background colour and the season.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Initial Ideas for the Title

To start off, i just used the main word 'Magazines' to look through and select a wide variety of different fonts and see how they look against each other. From this i then selected a few fonts that i like, and created a new document and put them into it. I then thought about what name i should call this magazine. I came up with a few when i wrote the preliminary exercise ideas, so i decided to call it 'Trend'. I thought that this went well for a new fashion magazine plus it was a name that has not actually been used for a published magazine that is out today, such as 'Mode' or 'Vogue'.

After i had opted to use 'Trend' as my title, i went back to the three fonts i had selected and put my title name in those fonts. I decided i liked the top font the best so i then started to play around with colours. I tested a six different colours in which that last two i changed the colour of the 'T' to see how it looked and if it would make the title stand out. I decided that i didn't really like it that much, so i resorted back to a black colour font and played around with the background colour. I used the same six colours that i used for the words. I thought that this look quite good, but it could be better. Finally i thought that if i put the font on a black background it would stand out quite nicely. I changed the colour of the font and i decided that i really liked how i had done this, the only problem was choosing a font colour to go on the black background.

Using the black background, i decided to use different font colours to see how well it stands out. I had decided i was going to put 'College fashion magazine' underneath the main title, in different colour. So from this, all i now had to do was mix and match different colours and see which ones go best and which one i like the most.

I have decided that the best title that would be appropriate for the new college fashion magazine, and that would stand out would be the the main word 'Trend' in yellow, and the words 'College fashion magazine' in a pink/purple colour.


Preliminary exercise ideas

I have written down some ideas for what i could possibly use for my college magazine. I have chosen to aim it at female students as my main idea is fashion for females. I made a  list of titles that i could use and i selected a few fonts that look appealing. I have given a rough insight into what image i would like to use and how frequently it will be published, and finally what the dimension could be.